
Archive for Julho, 2006|Monthly archive page


In Colateral on Julho 3, 2006 at 10:56 am


WorldCup 2006: who will be the near Football Champion of the World?

One true adventure this world championship of football, it is so much the investment wrapped, there is enormous the pledge and the promise of the teams. It factor of risk increases to the measure of the passage of phases, aggravated shears violence and the lack of fair play: ” it plays pretty ” gave place to the ” rice seed ugly “.

Gracefull for the winner, when the barriers were exceeded imposed in the way, the efficiency is total in so far as he is reached
the aim. However, they are regrettably some stains in the way, what more and more it gives place to interpretations of which the ways justify them
ends and of what the violence has better prize than the kindness and the joyof a sport that they say to be a king.

We wait that the royalty of for the near world championship leave intentions quite clearly that in this adventure of elevated objective modifies some rules in the sense of changing attitudes and behaviours, as well as be better visible actions of friendship, companionship and peace between players and fans.

Honor and glory to the winners, respect for the losers!