
Archive for the ‘CRM’ Category

womme word of mouth

In CRM, Internet Marketing, Marketing, News on Março 19, 2009 at 1:02 am
word of mouth

word of mouth

Já pensou aproveitar de uma forma sistemática a melhor forma de recomendação sobre a sua marca, o seu estabelecimento ou os seus produtos?

Imagine-se dono de um restaurante, em Lisboa por exemplo e à sorte, restaurante do Montado em Santos, dentre muitos restaurantes de referência da capital: o que distinguirá dentre outros tantos? A experiência detida pelos seus clientes é que lhe permitirá, entre 5 a 10 anos, “fazer a casa”; na maior parte das vezes, passa  pelo passa palavra, word of mouth na gíria anglo saxónica, a melhor ferramenta de marketing para lhe dar visibilidade e proporcionará a fidelização dos clientes, para expressar precisamente aquilo que de melhor tem a expansão e propagação dessa experiência de relacionamento com as pessoas que ali acorrem.

A recomendação sobre a sua marca, o seu estabelecimento ou o seu produto passa na maior parte das vezes pelo passa palavra ou o boca-a-boca, o wom-word of mouth, sendo que cada pessoa gera mais 20 contactos positivos sobre si.

Utilizar uma rede de pessoas para expandir o seu negócio através do teste das marcas e produtos, para alargar a experiência conforme o perfil do comunicador, é o negócio sistematizado de rede informal que resulta de um marketing experiencial aprofundado.

Mais informação sobre o womme word of mouth, clique aqui.

Top 10 serviço cliente

In Blogroll, CRM, Human Resources, News on Março 4, 2009 at 11:18 pm

As empresas do topo da tabela com a melhor política de serviço ao cliente foram consideradas pela revista BusinessWeek a partir de uma simples questão: quais as companhias que ainda tem o melhor serviço ao cliente?

As respostas estão resumidas na tabela TOP 10 e extensível às primeiras 25: quando se trata de manter o cliente feliz, há que manter no mais alto escalão de pontuação, quer a qualidade do staff quer a eficiência do serviço.

Aprendemos com os melhores? Vamos daí!

top 10
Company Industry Online retail
USAA Insurance
Jaguar Automobiles
Lexus Automobiles
The Ritz Carlton Hotels
Publix Super Markets Grocery stores Online retail
Hewlett-Packard Personal computers
T. Rowe Price Asset management
Ace Hardware Home improvement

CRM – customer claim

In CRM on Dezembro 20, 2006 at 12:45 am

CRM – customer claim
The chance appears in the claim of the customer
by JA

It likes what it does not want to hear on the mark or product? The customer gives a chance to it.

Consumers define what it is focus in the customer. The business men speak very on the importance of the focus in the customer, but rare they ask what this means. In accordance with the study “Consuming they say what the company does not want to hear” (Customers Say What Companies Don’t Want you the Hear), the definitions for both the parts are very different. “It has a ton of quarrels on focus in the customer, but never we had in the data to the work to analyze the subject of the perspective of the customer”, says the CRM consultant Dick Lee, co-author of the research.

It, together with the Ph.D. David Mangen, had talked with 554 consumers of the entire world on what they consider important in a relationship with a company. The study, that was divided in 12 categories, in accordance with the area of performance of the company, had a common point: the focus in the customer is the factor most important in a relationship business-oriented, independently of the sector in which the company acts. In ranking of importance carried through for the consumers, this item appears in first place, with 60% of citations, followed for convenience, with 51% and price, 49,4%.

The interviewed ones had said, still, that the item most important of a company, after the product quality, is the attendants. They are they who help the customers to decide problems and they are not arrested only in the accomplishment of efficient processes – that many times at least consider the wills of the consumers. “The practical ones of CRM today do not offer the customers what they really desire”, affirms Lee. “Focus in the customer starts in the culture and the values of the company.”

Contradictory definitions
Lee sees an exaggeration in as the customers and the world of the businesses defines focus in the customer. “For the consumers the definition is: we want companies who think about us as people, in respect them and if they communicate of honest form”, says. The company does not have to assume that the customers are loyal; they must work to conquer them continuously. And finally, must have employees who take care of adequately.

Already the company looks for to get the maximum of information on the customers, but they do not perceive that many times the consumers do not want as much privacy.

Consumers in the control
During years, specialists had standed out the power of the salesman on the customer. The newness is that the consumers are discovering how much to be able they they have and starting to usufruct of this. “It had a significant change in the behavior of the customers in last ten years “, comments Lee. “They are much more confident now”. The traditional tactics, as promotions and valuation of the mark, already do not function more as before. Companies as General Motors and Ford had discovered this recently.

The interviewed ones had chosen favourite Amazon, Nordstrom, and Toyota/Lexus as its company. Already companies as Wal-Mart and the Sprint Nextel had fallen for the last positions in ranking of preference. “Many firms are living of past, waiting that the wind comes back to blow in its favor”, says Lee. “It has a great reluctance in giving more power to the consumer.” The Wal-Mart, for example, is trying to gain market selling wines and electronic products of last generation. “It does not make no direction, unless the imperfections in the experience of the customer are repaired”, it affirms Lee. “Focus in the customer and good relationship are essential for the success of the business”, detach.

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