


The reality of our days, he wants outside she wants when she lived in the interior of the persons, reach elevated standards of aggressiveness, revolt, personal and social disintegration that hides other horizons, in some cases it leads to his annihilation like being human and in other cases even to the limit of the tolerance for the human life.

The victims of violence are specially childish and women, stretching out however, to the young persons and up to men. In this cadence of events in the quick days of today, there is no exclusion of social classes, of environments, races and even of sex, when affected straightly or indirectly many persons and families, exposing a way of difficult recuperation, with deep marks and traumas.

To help to create conditions for a second opportunity, to help to create objectives, to structure the motivation and the will of sharing the life, using what this one has of better for us offering, to learn with the mistakes and the failures, to create knots of relationship and of reference is the main goal of this COURAGE Program sponsored by the Ideas2Win.